Part of the Pop Goes the Culture Podcast Network

087 - You're Skipping You This Week, Huh? - Week of 11/8/17

The Fellowship is pleased to present our discussion/celebration of Star Trek: The Next Generation, in its 30th anniversary year. In its own way, it was a Star Trek reboot before that was cool, and its history is just as fascinating as the show itself. And as always, our picks of the week.

What we're up to this week:
Mikey's Movie Chair - The Chair, the film based on the Alterna Comics graphic novel; very dark and brutal, but also very good
Les' Movie Chair - went to a 10-hour horror sequel movie event; 5 movies including Psycho 2 and House 2, fun to watch them, even if they were not cinema gold [tangent: the documentary about the shower scene is called 78/52. -m]
Thomas' Civic Duty - not so much fun this week, partly due to jury duty [there's a tangent I never thought we'd ever have on this show ;-) -m]

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If you're into the background stuff, check out The Captains and Chaos On The Bridge, two great documentaries about the Star Trek experience. 

Picks for the week of 11/8:
Royal City #7 (Image)
Moon Knight #188 (Marvel)
Action Comics #991 (DC)
Injection #15 (Image)
Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1 (Titan)
Port of Earth #1 (Image)
Honorable Mention: Star Trek Waypoint collection (IDW)
Honorable Mention: 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank collection (Black Mask)
Honorable Mention: The Harcourt Legacy #1 (Action Lab Danger Zone)

Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music; check them out by clicking the link
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other; find a podcast on literally anything by searching the hashtag
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