Part of the Pop Goes the Culture Podcast Network

168 - I Would Do The Dun-Dun-Dun - Week of 7/10/19

The Fellowship is pleased to present our discussion of Vampirella on or near the 50th anniversary of her debut. This is a comics character with an interestingly diverse background and history, and a (mostly) consistent publication run. We talk about her ownership issues, changes in backstory, and crossovers galore, along with a whole lot of other stuff. Plus our usual crazy talk and our picks of the week.
Come hang out with us! We have monthly meetups on 2nd Saturdays in Garland, TX; details on Facebook & Twitter & the Events tab on our website
What we're up to this week:
Music documentary - Mr. Dynamite: The Rise of James Brown (good doc about a hard subject)
Homework for the show, with the help of; saw Toy Story 4; plus a little trailer talk
Saw Yesterday, liked it; also went to a local screening of Christopher Mihm's Friday Night Double Feature
Thomas' first comic convention in five years (due to working retail) - had a blast
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. Thank you!) 

Vampirella is a very interesting character if for no other reason than she's been presented in such a wide variety of ways and stories. She's gone from horror hostess to alien to biblical myth to antihero to hero to futuristic hellscape dweller. Not necessarily in that order, either 😉 
And apologies if the flow seems weird - we had a few odd interruptions which made editing a bit of a challenge.
Picks for the week of 7/10:
Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus #1 (Marvel)
H. P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness volume 1 (Dark Horse)
Unearth #1 (Image)
The DC Poster Portfolio of Frank Cho (DC)
Disney Dracula starring Mickey Mouse (Dark Horse)
Reaver #1 (Image)
Second Coming #1 (Ahoy Comics)
Lucky Man: The Bracelet Chronicles #4 (T Pub)
Honorable Mention: Black Hammer Justice League: Hammer of Justice #1 (Dark Horse/DC)
Extra special thanks to all of you, dear listeners, for supporting us - we just broke 5,000 downloads 🙂 
Pop Goes The Culture podcast network - go check them out! 🙂
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other; find a podcast on literally anything by searching the hashtag
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music; check them out by clicking the link
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
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