Part of the Pop Goes the Culture Podcast Network

Getting Sick On Blue Milk - Week of 3/23/22

The Fellowship is pleased to present our discussion of the comics DC made 40 years ago in partnership with Radio Shack. These three comics are basically advertisements for the TRS-80 personal computer. This is a prime example of some of the extended advertising pieces that just don't seem to happen any more. Plus our usual random talk, geek news, and tangents🙂.
We found a way to do our monthly meetups - on Discord! Come hang out with us in the voice channel on the 3rd Saturday of the month; details on Facebook & Twitter & the Events tab on our website
We're super excited to announce our partnership with ComicBooks For Kids. Details on the website (and you should be listening to hear more, too 🙂)
What we're up to this week:
Computer issues and ADD, Marvel marathon on Scifi, rant on parental controls, homework for upcoming episodes, The Adam Project, Blood Simple,, Man In The Attic (1953)
The Tiktok that Tom mentioned (Ryan Reynolds and the kid)
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. Thank you!)
No new episode next week - planned week off. We'll be back, though😉
We're looking for questions for an Ask The Fellowship episode coming up soon...
Pop Goes The Culture podcast network - go check them out! 🙂
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other; find a podcast on literally anything by searching the hashtag
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music; check them out by clicking the link
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
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Check out this episode!