Part of the Pop Goes the Culture Podcast Network

089 - Are We Even Counting Clooney? - Week of 11/22/17

The Fellowship is pleased to present another Q&A episode. This week we're answering questions about the DC cinematic universe and the Richard Donner cut of Superman. We also introduce a new geek, Liz. And as always, our picks of the week.

What we're up to this week:
Trade Pile - Knights of the Dinner Table, Harrow County, The Eighth Seal
The original Little Shop of Horrors on TCM, some comics by Gil Kane
Fluff day - Harley Quinn, Betty & Veronica, Rick & Morty
Documentaries - Birth of the Dead, Chicago: The Terry Kath Experience

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Big thanks to Danny ( @DannyDoesDallas on Twitter ) for the fun questions. And we'd like to do this again sometime, so send us your questions via the methods listed below. Thanks :-)

[Note: If you're not aware of William Hootkins (and I admit I wasn't), check out this article about him. Seriously, it's a fascinating story. -m]

Picks for the week of 11/22:
Rat Queens #6 (Image)
Challengers of the Unknown by Jack Kirby collection (DC)
Imaginary Fiends #1 (DC/Vertigo)
Sword of Ages #1 (IDW)
Van Helsing vs The Werewolf #5 (Zenescope)
Batman Year Two 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC (DC)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 80th Anniversary one-shot (Joe Books/Disney Comics)
Giantkillers #0 (IDW)
Honorable Mention: Doomsday Clock #1 (DC)

Welcome to the fold, Liz :-)
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music; check them out by clicking the link
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other; find a podcast on literally anything by searching the hashtag
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)

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Check out this episode!